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Le Voyage Magique - Niveau 4 Voyageur

Cahier 4 Piano

VERLAG: Alphonse Leduc
PRODUKTFORMAT: Buch und Online-Audio
INSTRUMENT GROUP: Klavier oder Orgel
Conceived for Piano beginners who have already been introduced to music reading,  Le Voyage Magique - Level 4, Traveller follows up on Piano Discoveries - Level 3 A & B, Adventurer. Seventh of a series of eight, it familiarises the young Pianist to more complex melodies and rhythms, to minor chords
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Subtitle Cahier 4 Piano
Komponist Janet Vogt
Verlag Alphonse Leduc
Instrumentierung Piano
Text language Französisch
Produktformat Buch und Online-Audio
Instrument Group Klavier oder Orgel
Genre Schule
ISMN 9790046294860
Serie Voyage Magique
Seitenzahl 48
No. AL29486

Conceived for Piano beginners who have already been introduced to music reading, Le Voyage Magique - Level 4, Traveller follows up on Piano Discoveries - Level 3 A & B, Adventurer. Seventh of a series of eight, it familiarises the young Pianist to more complex melodies and rhythms, to minor chords and minor tonalities and to the techniques of playing. This volume uses the same characters as the previous books, who evolve through new illustrations to guide the young pianists.

Le Voyage Magique is the translation and adaptation by Stéphane Blet of the American series Piano Discoveries by JanetVogt and Leon Bates. The pedagogy of this book has been studied to be quite close to the language of children, in order to develop their interest and concentration. A CD is provided to accompany the player while learning with Le Voyage Magique, offering some small melodic pieces to develop a musical ear.

Janet Vogt is an American Pianist, professor at the College-Conservatory of Music. She also composed pieces for Keyboards, for Choirs, and some pop music.

Leon Bates (born 1949) is a renowned American Pianist who performed with the New York Symphony, the Cleveland Symphony and many others. He is also a professor and participated to the conception of this method.

Stéphane Blet is an international Solo Pianist who decided to focus on the composition of pieces and on teaching. He is currently professor in the École Normale de Musique “Alfred Cortot”.
